Antonio Alaminos - Castor Precavido  18/02/2008  14:11:59


Fuente: Web de la OMMS y scoutsdigital-ASDE, 18-2-2008.

The first such seminar, commemorating Malta’s Centenary of Scouting, aimed at the Association’s adult leaders, was an astounding success.
Organised at the Medieval Knights Hall in Valletta, over two hundred Adult leaders attended the event discussing several topics whilst giving everybody the opportunity to share their views on the centenary’s theme, “Make a difference…You Can!”, amongst other interesting Scouting issues.

The seminar was opened with speeches by the Chief Scout and the Chief Commissioner whilst the Minister for Education and the Opposition spokesman for Education also made interventions welcoming the leaders present and thanking them for their service.

Also attending the seminar was the Slovenia Chief Commissioner and European Scout Region representative, Mr. Tomaz Strajner, who addressed the floor, sharing with the Maltese participants the latest European Scouting trends, explaining how the Region is restructuring in its quest to tackle the new challenges ahead.

A presentation on the Kandersteg International Scout Centre addressed by Adam Kuymizakis, a Maltese Scout who spent most of the last year working as part of the Centre’s staff team in Switzerland, also formed part of the seminar’s itinerary.

The seminar was planned and organised by the Scout Association of Malta’s Training and Development Core Team.

A National Centenary is a wonderful opportunity to raise the profile of Scouting in a country, and for an Association to grow and develop. Including Malta, there are six National Scout Organizations in total celebrating theirs in 2008- Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa. Each of these countries have strong campaigns to make the most of their Centenary

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